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8 Facts About Myself (Welcome to my Blog)

Hey guys, this is my first post on this blog and for a ritual of introduction and welcoming, I'll share something about myself first. Thus, I'll be publishing this post with the title 8 Facts about myself, The Frank Inside.

But first, let me share what are my initial plans for this blog since I am planning to make this one my personal blog where I can share my insights about several topics such as personal finance, lifestyle, travel, and tips; most especially for my fellow Capiznons. Therefore, expect exciting and some weird stuff which may also include occasional rants if I may say.

8 Facts About Myself (The Frank Inside)

Without further ado, let's go ahead with our intended discussion for this post in which I'll be sharing some facts about myself and this blog, The Frank Inside.

1. The Frank Inside

The Frank Inside personal blog is inspired by my real name and that is Frankie as I also plan to share a figment of my real self, a part of me that I haven't shared with anybody else yet. As an introvert, there's a certain portion of myself, hiding from deep within but sometimes, it's also about time to give them a face for the world to see, isn't it?

8 Facts About Myself (The Frank Inside)
Yours truly, The Frank Inside

2. Too Young to be in the 30s

Well, I made this blog as more of a covenant with myself that I'll need to do something differently. I had my 30th birthday a few weeks ago, and while I think I'm still naive at many things, it's about time to take things seriously one step at a time while also keeping the inner kid alive deep inside myself.

3. Frustrated Writer

Oh dear, I am a frustrated writer for so many reasons and until now, I am not satisfied with my writing skills yet. But to each of our own, we have our own respective strengths and pace of learning new things. It's my passion and goal to improve my writing skills as I keep on treading this journey.

4. Introvert Hotelier

I am working as a hotelier. As an introvert, working in a dynamic environment where I had to deal with plenty of people is just exhausting and most of the time, they're also the cause of my trauma. Nonetheless, this journey has taught me so many things and I think that I also gradually matured and grow because of the discomfort that it brought to me. As Yes, Theory must have stood for, always seek discomfort and learn from it.

5. Capiznon at Heart

Might have been frustrated with so many things about my hometown and province, but I still think that I've been so in love with it despite opposing thoughts running in my head. I am a local of Roxas City, the Seafood Capital of the Philippines, and the component city of the Province of Capiz. Therefore, I might share more topics involving Roxas City and Capiz in this blog such as travel tips, how-to and where-to, as well as lifestyle although am definitely not good as much as I wish I could be.

6. Beyond Customer Service

Alright, on the surface I am quite the multi-tasking Sales & Marketing Supervisor of a local hotel resort here in Capiz. It sure is exhausting but I'll have more than what I can do in that field. I'm also a website designer and blogger, social media specialist, and content creator (on a whim).

7. Anime Is Life, Coffee Is Life

If there are only two things in this world that I'll never live without, it's definitely anime and coffee. I am a hard consumer of caffeine, 5-7 cups a day is a normal routine. I've been consuming anime too since I was a child and I never let it go. Now, in my 30s, am still a huge anime fan and I'd rather watch one in a marathon than go and hang out with anybody else.

8. Running an Anime Blog

Currently, I am running an anime and donghua (Chinese anime) blog called Yu Alexius where I am sharing my thoughts and opinions about many shows and movies as well as some recommendations. If you like anime, you might want to check it out and subscribe to our page.

Alright, so these are some facts about myself that I'd like to let my readers know somehow. Oh, one more thing, I am gay. There are some more interesting stuff and stories that I can share but I think I'll leave that for next time. Should you have any questions or have suggestions for a topic of discussion, let me know by dropping your comment below.  
